
What, it’s not weird at all, is it? I do love to cook AND write smut, so I thought I would share them both here. Whew Hot Blooded asked, so I’m posting a few recipes here. Take them or leave them…but if you take them, let me know what you think. 🙂 These recipes exist in some for or another in other places, but I have made them enough that I have changed them into something all my own.

Cous Cous with Apricots and Nuts

Massaman Sweet Potato Curry

BBQ Tofu

Zucchini Cookies

17 thoughts on “Recipes!

  1. whew hot blooded and not a jam maker! says:

    thanks for posting. will touch base with vegan/vegetarian friends and talk about feedback on spicy ones when they try them 😉

    as promised, friend’s recipe for jam. she says that there are many like this and nothing spectacular and she adapts it a bit with zest and other stuff too depending on time of year will use it. as i am not a jammer, i am not sure about any of this so just typed it to make it neat and purty for ya 😉 enjoy and give her feedback too.
    Cinnamon Blueberry Jam

    1 pound fresh blueberries (about 1 quart)
    3-1/2 cups sugar
    1 Tbs bottled lemon juice
    1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
    1/8 tsp ground cloves
    1 pouch (3 oz) liquid fruit pectin

    – Crush the blueberries; measure 2-1/2 cups and place in a large saucepan.
    – Add the sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon and cloves; bring to a rolling boil over high heat, stirring constantly.
    – Quickly stir in the pectin.
    – Return to a full rolling boil; boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
    – Remove from heat; skim off foam.
    – Carefully ladle hot mixture into hot half-pint jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace.
    – Re-move air bubbles; wipe rims and adjust lids.
    – Process for 10 minutes in a boiling-water canner


    • That looks awesome!! Now I just need to wait until blueberries come in season, and then I’ll be jammin’ all day and all night. 🙂 Thanks for getting it for me, and for posting it here…


      • whew hot blooded says:

        warning: her husband is addicted to it. let me know if you figure out way to reduce the added sugar. not sure since i do not make jam if this can be done and still set or work the same but i am curious.


      • I use Pomona pectin, which can gel water. 🙂 So I add as much sugar as I like, to taste, and since blueberries are so sweet, it shouldn’t take much. 🙂 Thanks again! I’ll keep you posted. For now, I’m making apricot fruit leather. Yum.


      • whew hot blooded and apricot leatherless says:

        ooohhhhhhhhhhhh i want some leather. my fav flav and all. *wails in deprivation* how do you make yours?


      • I usually use 4 C. fruit (whatever you like), blended smooth with a stick blender, 4 C. applesauce and 1/2 C. lemon juice. The applesauce makes the leather really soft and pliable.

        This time though, I used 8 C. apricot puree and 1/2 C. lemon juice, blended smooth and poured onto fruit leather trays in my dehydrator. Apricots have enough soluble fiber to be pliable when dry, but the leather is a bit tart, so if you like a sweeter leather, use applesauce.


      • whew hot blooded says:

        that sounds delicious to me. i might have to go buy some as i do not have way to make that right now. i do not mind tart, just spicy 😉


      • I made cherry, plum, raspberry, strawberry and apricot last year. It is so awesome, but it does use a LOT of applesauce. 🙂


      • whew hot blooded says:

        now you are simply bragging to the beggar. tsk tsk 😥

        that is really great and it makes me wish i had some here but i do not. just settle for fresh cherries instead. do you make the applesauce or buy it? i assume not store bought as you are a do re mi. i do not have any here and rarely use it at all.


      • I make my own applesauce for eating, but it is such a pain in the ass to process, that when I make fruit leather, I usually BUY applesauce since I would go through my whole store just for that!

        Didn’t mean to brag…just giving you ideas about what fruits are good… 🙂


      • whew hot blooded says:

        i am teasing about bragging. i did not think for leather you would make the applesauce but had no doubt that you do make it otherwise. just checking though. i felt so inadequate in my performance 🙂


      • no need to feel inadequate. Everyone has their thing that they are awesome at, and we need to remind ourselves that although we may not be able to do the things that they do, we are still valid and useful people. My friend calls it ‘checking in’ with herself.


      • whew hot blooded says:

        i am useful in some capacity, and most certainly adequate :). it was verified upon “check in”. no worries, i am not considering checking out anytime soon 😉


      • Phew! And now that you’re home and ‘relaxing’ you’re catching up on the flood of messages I sent you. I think our conversations just might outnumber my actual posts by now! 🙂 Can I just say how glad I am that I started a blog that you follow and respond to. I was always sad that you didn’t have a FF account, because it meant I couldn’t have conversations like these. 🙂


      • whew hot blooded says:

        super spittake worthy! that was a hilarious sum up of the outrageous number of posts occurring. it is beyond my usual too. you thought about having conversations like these before? perhaps i am not the only crazy one typing right now 🙂 🙂 yeah, i recall the FF issues and hope the posts make up for it now. absence makes the heart grow fonder, eh? i really did need that snort right now, it just did not need the piece of grapefruit i was eating in the way. do NOT make me waste good fruit, lady!


      • Like I knew you were eating grapefruit at the time of reading that message? Seriously…you call that good fruit? I must disagree with you on this one, and then I will apologize for making you get that bitter citrus up your nose. 🙂

        Don’t you remember, all those AN in Getaway I left for you, begging you to get a FF account so I could reply to you. 🙂 Yeah, I’m crazy and I know it!


      • whew hot blooded says:

        oh no you dint diss my citrus!! grapefruit is delightful and refreshing. clearly, there is no accounting for your taste, so we can disagree alrighty 🙂 i prefer the tart and you enjoy the spicy (this sounds a bit off but might just be punny somehow). no worries, no pulp in my nose holes *giggles*

        i have not forgotten the FF ANs (i would not call it begging- now who is bringing the drama?). you might regret it when your “inbox” is too full of whew *spittake and coughs*


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