From Fan Fiction to Original Fiction

Over the past couple of months, I’ve been working with hisviks and MsBuffy on a piece for the Fangbangers Anonymous Directory. Today, part 1 went live. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to write original fiction and get it published, check out Part 1 here. There’s a contact form following the post where you can ask questions anonymously, which I’ll be happy to answer as soon as hisviks gets them to me. 🙂

Since this is my blog, I’m going to shamelessly plug my original fiction. I’ve written four books and one short story: the first two books have been published, I self-published my short story, I’m querying book three, and editing book four. I’m also outlining book five so I can write it this summer. Please visit my author blog, September Roberts, for more information.

The post on Fangbangers Anonymous isn’t meant as a way for me to toot my own horn, I simply wanted to share what I’ve learned and offer advice to anyone who is thinking about writing original fiction with the intention of it being published. 🙂

7 thoughts on “From Fan Fiction to Original Fiction

  1. Kittyinaz says:

    Reblogged this on Kittyinaz's Reblog Page and commented:
    So freaking brave of her!!! I am starting out on my own journey, and while this may seem a lot, it is no different than someone needing to convince their boss of something.

    Take a deep breath and then take the plunge….


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